AML trainings and lectures

In March 2022, APOG has provided lectures on AML/CFT and sanction’s regime at the University of Economics in Poznan.

We are proud to support the post graduate students and share our knowledge and best practices approach at this prestigious forum.

Among other topics, we spoke about the impact of corruption on the economy. Transparency International's 2020 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) highlights that increasing corruption not only undermines the global health response to COVID-19, but also contributes to a continuing crisis of economies. Previous research conducted by Transparency International reports that corruption deprives the global health sector of US$500 billion every year. According to OECD’ estimates, up to US$2 trillion of procurement costs could be lost to corruption. Health care corruption observed during the COVID-19 pandemic includes demands for informal payments from patients, embezzlement and theft, absenteeism, overcharging, favoritism, and manipulation of data.
